Yesterday we had our first Lent group (report to follow) Here is the version of ‘Jesus being tempted in the Wilderness’ I wrote for one activity.

The Spirit called Jesus out into the wilderness. Time alone with his Father. The Tempter saw an opportunity and took it.

“Are you sure you are the Son of God? Are you sure this is what your Father wants?”

The Tempter pointed at some stones.

“”Hungry?” he said, “If you are the Son of God, you could turn these rocks into bread.” What could be better than a Messiah who fed a hungry world? The people would love a Messiah like that.

But Jesus chose something else. “Bread doesn’t solve every hunger,” he said “and true life comes from God.”

The tempter showed Jesus the temple in Jerusalem. “Wow, impressive!” he said. “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down and God with send legions of Angels to catch you.” What could be better than a Messiah who commands armies of angels? The people would love a Messiah like that.

But Jesus chose something else. “ I will not test God,” he said “for cheap tricks or to get adoring fans”

The tempter showed Jesus all the Nations of the World from high up on the mountain. “Look at all this,” he said “All this could be yours if you just bow and worship me” What could be better than a Messiah who brings peace to warring nations? The people would love you then.

But Jesus chose something else. “True peace comes to the people who worship God the Father,” he said “not bow down to the father of Lies.”

Jesus had chosen his Father’s way, a way of poverty, of humility and of love. He would walk with the hungry, the humble, the powerless and those who looked for God and his peace. Out in the desert, Jesus had chosen.