Posts tagged Good Friday

Holy Week Retreat: Good Friday

Friday 19 April 2019

Fr James Bradley JCD of the Ordinariate gives today’s address in EWTN’s Holy Week Retreat from Southampton, following the events that changed the world on Good Friday, and meditating on how the cross in central to Christian Life. The video is also available on YouTube with the others in the series.

Two Pietas

Friday 29 March 2013

I was very cold by the time our walking tour group arrived at the Neue Wache. It has had various purposes but now houses  a sculpture by artist Kathe Kollwitz called “Mother with her dead son.” A woman, wearing simple clothes cradles her son’s lifeless body. Her face is partly hidden, his obscured by her […]

Good Friday Evening Thoughts.

Friday 6 April 2012

I feel drained after the Good Friday Liturgy. Despite an evening of laughter, I have returned home feeling tearful. Being so close to Doug’s beautiful funeral on Tuesday, the emotions feel very similar. There was a lot of laughter at the wake afterwards, only to be replaced by sadness later. This week I have been […]