Dear Friends

“He will transfigure these wretched bodies of ours into copies of his glorious body.”

This is the great promise which is held out to us. That the glory which Christ has, the perfection and beauty, is being offered to us. We are looking forward to Christ’s redemption – to spending eternity in heaven with God, utterly transformed from our present state to be like God. When we contemplate that present state this can seem, to say the least, highly improbable – but it is the promise of God.

It is also his work – we cannot transfigure our bodies into glory, however hard we try. What we need to do is work with God – it is his work to be done in us. But he invites us to be co-operators in this work. This is why S. Paul also tells us to follow a rule of life, to take positive steps to work with God. This is the heart of our Lenten observance, focusing more on God and on how we can co-operate with his work of transforming our lives.

It may seem like a struggle at times, but considering that glorious prize can give us the incentive to keep striving towards it.

Blessings, Fr Thomas.