Posts by Fr Neil Chatfield

Not a scorpion, but the Holy Spirit

Sunday 24 July 2022

Only as children of God can we — with wonderful assurance — seek, knock and find the very presence and gifts of God that he longs to give us.

Go and do likewise

Sunday 10 July 2022

Let us follow Christ’s calling and create a little bit of heaven on earth, seeing the example he gave and going to do likewise.

Follow Christ out of the world

Sunday 26 June 2022

Sometimes it is all to easy — even without thinking — to find ourselves following the voice of the world at large. The way of discipleship isn’t the easy way and may well lead us into a position where we find ourselves in direct opposition to the world.

Fresco of the Holy Trinity, Giovanni Maria Conti della Camera (1614–1670), c.1660; Chiesa di Santa Croce, Parma

One God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity

Sunday 12 June 2022

The intimacy between Father, Son and Holy Spirit reveals a dynamic relationship of love into which we are called to participate and to which we are called to bear witness.

Pentecost (detail), Jean Restout the Younger (1692–1768), 1732; Musée du Louvre

Spirit of Unity

Sunday 5 June 2022

It is in the Holy Spirit that we are enabled to know Christ personally and become a temple of the Holy Spirit of God while within the community of faith.

Ut unum sint

Sunday 29 May 2022

True unity is not something that we can obtain by our own efforts, by forcing people into conformity to a particular ideology. Without the submitting of ourselves to the revelation of God in Christ, our prayer and mission will only be a sad reflection of ourselves. It is only in Christ alone that our rich diversity can be fruitful for the body as a whole and reflect the wonder and glory of the gospel to a world that is in dire need of eternal life and salvation.