Posts by Fr Thomas Mason

Jésus assisté par les anges, James Tissot (1836–1902), 1886–1894; Brooklyn Museum, New York

A holy Lent

Sunday 21 February 2021

The wilderness was for Jesus, and is for us, a place where God is. There is no comfort we need other than God.

The Messiah who brings freedom

Tuesday 9 February 2021

The freedom which Moses gave to the people of Israel was simply the freedom from having a foreign ruler oppress them — the freedom which the Messiah brought was far more powerful.

David Dibert via

A light for the world

Tuesday 2 February 2021

May the light of Christ shine out for us and may it shine out from us, so that others may see that light through us and through our lives, through our closeness to Christ, and that seeing it they too may be drawn to him.

The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew (detail), Master of the Brussels Initials from a missal commissioned by Bishop Cosimo de’ Migliorati of Bologna, c1389–1404; J Paul Getty Museum

Follow me!

Sunday 24 January 2021

There’s a real and powerful immediacy to the exchange on the shores of Galilee. Our Lord calls to Simon Peter and Andrew, and then to James and John — how do they react? Indeed, the question for us is how are we going to react?

The Baptism of Christ, Pietro Perugino (1446–1523) and his workshop, c.1482 (detail)

The transformation of Baptism

Sunday 10 January 2021

There was nothing new about baptism as an idea, ritual cleansings were a common part of religious practice; so when S. John started to preach his baptism, it was an idea which was easily understood. But this particular baptism was something entirely different.

Seek, find and rejoice

Thursday 7 January 2021

We need to have the humility to put aside our own ways of looking and searching. We need to be willing to submit ourselves to God’s revelation, to the Faith once delivered to the Saints, to the Church who has been given to us as our guide.