Archives for March 2011

The Rite of Reconciliation

Thursday 31 March 2011

On Confession: I have spent quite a lot of time, since last Friday, reflecting on our class on confession and baptism. For many of us these are big issues. In the next few weeks there will be several baptisms and first confessions. For me the thoughts that have been going round my head are to […]

Jumping ship

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Imagine there are two ships carrying the faithful on a pilgrimage to the Promised Land. One is a large ship, carrying the vast majority of the world’s Christians. The other boat is far smaller, a trimaran carrying Evangelicals, Anglo-Catholics and Liberals each in their own hull. Some people in the Catholic hull of the small […]


Thursday 24 March 2011

This Lent exploring something of the nature of fasting has been at the forefront of my mind. Fasting can so easily become about ourselves instead of the real objective of putting aside distractions and allow greater attention to be paid to attending to God. “I’ll give up beer and save myself some money,” or “it’s […]

Branches of the Vine

Sunday 13 March 2011

Julianne Chatfield writes about the first week… We have had a whirlwind of a week: Ash Wednesday; the first Formation class; Rite of Election; first mass at St Agnes. All sorts of thoughts and feelings have come into play. As the dust begins to settle I have found myself thinking over Friday’s presentation on the […]

Rite of Election

Sunday 13 March 2011

A couple of pictures and the text of the Ordinariate Group’s Call to Continuing Conversion during Lent from the Rite of Election at Arundel Cathedral on Saturday 12 March.

Bishop Kieran writes about the Ordinariate

Friday 11 March 2011

Bishop Kieran Conry, Bishop of Arundel & Brighton, wrote a Pastoral Letter which was read on Sunday 6 March: “One group in our diocese has announced its intention to take this step, and that group is down in Eastbourne.”