Posts tagged 2016

Annual Report 2016/17

Saturday 22 July 2017

The diocesan parish of Our Lady of Ransom with St Agnes and St Gregory held its AGM on Thursday 20 July. We presented a report of our activities for their information. For the last eighteen months we have been using Divine Worship on a Monday evening at 7:30pm, at OLR. This is the Ordinariate Use […]

Looking back on a good weekend.

Saturday 17 December 2016

This Advent has been very hectic, with plenty going on so I apologise for the lateness of this post. The first weekend of the season was very important for us as a group as four of our 4pm mass community were confirmed by Mgr Keith Newton. They had spent months preparing and Fr Neil was […]

A Special Weekend: Arundel Pilgrimage.

Friday 15 July 2016

For the Year of Mercy, the Ordinariate has held a variety of Pilgrimages. Many of our group and plenty from others met at Arundel to have a day, focused around the Shrine of St Philip Howard. In fact we counted representatives from at least 8 groups, many from Kent and Sussex and from as far […]

Our home in England.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Several of our group travelled up to Norfolk for the Ordinariate pilgrimage to Walsingham on 25th June. (We forgot our camera so the official pictures can be found on the Ordinariate Flickr page) At our arrival at the Shrine, having walked the Holy Mile out of the village, we were welcomed by Mgr John Armitage. […]