Posts tagged discipleship

The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs, Fra Angelico (c.1395–1455), 1423 Fiesole; National Gallery, London

Rejoice and be glad

Sunday 1 November 2020

The vast majority of the Saints are unknown to us, but they all accepted the offer which God makes: they lived in his grace and allowed him to transform them from fallen and sinful people, to redeemed and sanctified people.

Take up thy Cross, the Saviour said

Sunday 30 August 2020

The following of Christ is none other than the way of the Cross. There is no escaping this path if we wish to save our lives.

Pentecost (detail), Jean Restout the Younger (1692–1768), 1732; Musée du Louvre

Come, thou holy Paraclete

Sunday 31 May 2020

Today we recall and celebrate that historical moment when the power of the Holy Ghost was first poured into the Church.

True Paths of discipleship

Monday 6 February 2017

At the heart of God’s saving plan is the reconciliation of humanity’s fall from grace. Jesus in his earthly ministry begins with the proclamation that the Kingdom of God/Heaven is close at hand. The heart of this message is not predominately about a place we go when we die but a relationship that is restored […]