Posts tagged Easter

Renaissance silver book-cover

Services on Easter Day

Saturday 12 April 2014

Easter Day Saturday 19 April Vigil Liturgy and First Mass of Easter 8:00pm Sunday 20 April Mass of the Day 11:15am During the Sacred Triduum members of all the communities at St Agnes celebrate together. There’s also a Mass in Polish on Easter Day at 1:00pm.

Caught up in the wave.

Friday 25 May 2012

Over the last few weeks, I have been very aware of the joy of Easter and specifically the dynamic of God’s love. Within the Trinity there is a constant on-going movement of self-giving love. This overflows not just in the act of making Creation but also in constantly sustaining it. In the Resurrection, the Ascension […]

Easter Words.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Youth Catechism describes Creation like this: “God created us out of free and unselfish love.[1-3] When a man loves, his heart overflows. He would like to share his joy with others. He gets this from his Creator. Although God is a mystery, we can still think about him in a human way and say: […]

Reasons to be joyful…

Saturday 28 April 2012

I find myself still thinking over our time in Lourdes. It is characteristic of experiences that have profoundly drawn us to God that we need time to ‘unpack’ what has gone on. Almost two weeks since we returned, looking at the whole pilgrimage, the aspect that has stayed with me is that of joy. We […]