Posts tagged Homily

The poor shall be rich

Monday 14 February 2022

In his statement on the ‘blessed’ and ‘woes’, Christ inverts so much of what the world would have us believe. Far too often we might find ourselves making material wealth and security our first priority. Christ points to spiritual poverty, obedience to the teaching of God, and rejection by the world, as being the means to fullness of life in God.

Worthy for service

Tuesday 8 February 2022

The sacraments are the place where Christ waits to encounter us. In the confessional he hears our confession, “I am a sinful man,” that he might touch our lips so that “your guilt is taken away, and your sins forgiven,” thereby being prepared to hear the words of Christ, “Do not be afraid, henceforth you will be catching men.”

Make love your aim

Monday 31 January 2022

St Paul speaks profoundly of the remedy that should be at the heart of any Christian community, family and nation. Love is the key.

Work together for God’s glory

Monday 24 January 2022

Whenever we gather — and the first order and priority is to attend to mass and offer our worship to God — then we must rejoice that “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep.”

Gifts of love

Sunday 16 January 2022

The bride of Christ is enriched with many blessings of both the fruits and gifts of new life in the Spirit.

The Baptism of Christ, Pietro Perugino (1446–1523) and his workshop, c.1482 (detail)

Baptised into His mission

Sunday 9 January 2022

Our baptism is a baptism of repentance, but it is also one of fire. It is not just some past event consigned to the pages of the history of our lives but an ongoing present reality.