Sunday 9 January 2022
The way of life begins with us bringing all that we are and kneeling with the wise men before the Babe of Bethlehem, God’s love and our salvation made flesh.
A community in Christ seeking and sharing transforming grace, reconciling love and compassionate hope
The way of life begins with us bringing all that we are and kneeling with the wise men before the Babe of Bethlehem, God’s love and our salvation made flesh.
The very Word through whom all things have their being becomes flesh. The Creator enters into the very thing he brings into being, to enable creation to reach its final destiny — to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
This Christ-child in his nativity unites heaven and earth, the divine and human, the temporal and eternity and invites us to participate in his great work of redemption.
The law of God reveals a glimpse into at least three fundamental things: the nature of God’s holiness; the desire and will of God for his people; the depth to which we humans have fallen. We must renew our hearts and minds in Christ, in whose flesh the law of God became incarnate for our salvation and who showed the way to life through his death and resurrection. We need the external law to become an internal reality.