Tuesday 12 October 2021
It is only by letting go, and letting God act in our daily struggle, that we are able to have a foretaste of the manifold beauty of the life of the kingdom, and receive the riches promised by Christ.
A community in Christ seeking and sharing transforming grace, reconciling love and compassionate hope
It is only by letting go, and letting God act in our daily struggle, that we are able to have a foretaste of the manifold beauty of the life of the kingdom, and receive the riches promised by Christ.
Our joy resides in the gift of the eternal promise of a new heaven and earth without tears, sorrow or sadness, and that shall never pass away.
We can see Christ’s reign at three levels: over the universe, over ourselves, and over our communities.
The moment we stop hiding and come into the light of Christ, acknowledging our sin, we move towards God’s merciful love that calls us to share in the master’s happiness and joy for all eternity.
When we realise the value of the kingdom, then we can give everything which we have to God, and not merely do so grudgingly, but as Christ tells us, ‘joyfully’.
At the heart of God’s saving plan is the reconciliation of humanity’s fall from grace. Jesus in his earthly ministry begins with the proclamation that the Kingdom of God/Heaven is close at hand. The heart of this message is not predominately about a place we go when we die but a relationship that is restored […]