Sunday 9 January 2022
The way of life begins with us bringing all that we are and kneeling with the wise men before the Babe of Bethlehem, God’s love and our salvation made flesh.
A community in Christ seeking and sharing transforming grace, reconciling love and compassionate hope
The way of life begins with us bringing all that we are and kneeling with the wise men before the Babe of Bethlehem, God’s love and our salvation made flesh.
If we acknowledge our Lord to be the Christ, Son of the living God, then to follow him is only possible if we take up our cross.
The freedom which Moses gave to the people of Israel was simply the freedom from having a foreign ruler oppress them — the freedom which the Messiah brought was far more powerful.
How we need to hear these sage words of Our Lady, “Do whatever he tells you.” They are simple words but the means by which we gain salvation, fulfil our vocation, are animated in the Spirit, encounter the wonder of his glory, and glimpse the heavenly banquet of the Kingdom.
A busy Advent has meant I am a bit behind. So here is a report from our second Adults Advent Group: We spent the whole evening looking at the figure of Jesus Christ. In investigating the Kingdom of God, Christ is at the very heart, for he is the King. We began with a meditation […]