Posts tagged Praying with our Children

Walking through the desert- Lent as a family 1.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Lent is approaching; a time of penance, it allows us to prepare for the Pascal mystery in Holy Week. This can be a hard time for children to understand, particularly when they are young. Yet experiencing the change of season is an important part of spiritual development. Some of the things that help children enter […]

Bedtime Stories.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Bedtime stories, in fact stories at any time of the day are a wonderful experience for both parents and children. I have strong memories of my mother reading to us. As she is talented at art, she would sometimes draw a picture at the space at the end of a chapter. When we read to […]

Reflections on the Holy Family

Friday 30 December 2011

Friday 30th December, this year was the Feast of the Holy Family. The readings from the Office highlighted the important nature of the family: “The home of Nazareth is the school where we begin to understand the life of Jesus- the school of the Gospel” “…there is a lesson on family life. May Nazareth teach […]

Elements of Family Prayer

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Continuing with extracts from the “Praying with children” booklet, here is the section that suggests some of the elements that parents can think about when planning family prayers: “When thinking about praying with children, whether is it something that already happens regularly or are thinking of starting, there are some things that might be considered: […]

Praying with our Children 2: Practical Issues

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Children are constantly changing and so, therefore are their spiritual needs. When thinking about Family prayer this awareness means that routines and practices will need to be changed to keep up with the differing needs of you children. Here is an excerpt from the booklet “Praying with our children” which gives some of the things […]

Praying as a Family

Sunday 27 November 2011

When we first had children we were pretty clueless in lots of ways (how to fold a nappy for example took quite a bit of mastering) and how to develop the spiritual lives of our children was no different. At the time there seemed to be little literature around that would help, so we ended […]