Following a very beautiful day in Arundel, on the 9th July, our special weekend continued as Mgr Keith Newton, our Ordinary, returned to Eastbourne for a visit. He celebrated the parish mass at Our Lady of Ransom Church, with the diocesan congregation there, before heading to St Agnes for our community meal. We were also joined by his wife, Gill. As usual, the food all came together, with more than enough for everyone (the leftovers reappeared after our 4pm mass.) We are blessed with some very talented cooks, who all provide an amazing array of foods for these types of occasion. Mgr Keith celebrated our mass, and we returned to the hall for more time together. In the evening we had compline with Benediction, back at Our Lady of Ransom. By then the evening light was pouring through the windows and the monstrance, lit by the spot light above the altar, glittered. It was very beautiful. A few finished off the weekend by going for a Thai curry. All in all this weekend in July is one we will remember for food and fun and a deep awareness of God’s presence. It was a joy-filled couple of days.