Having been received, confirmed and some baptised, in a variety of combinations, we are now Roman Catholics and members of the Ordinariate. Yet I am wary of triumphantly pronouncing that the journey is now over.
We have moved from the Anglican Church that, how ever problematic it has been, was our home. We have moved into a new community that has been incredibly friendly, welcoming and has sought to make our journey of transition as easy as possible. For many of us so much of what we have experienced in worship is very familiar. Strangely, because it is so similar the differences tend to stand out more. The slightly differing phrases, order, gestures and music continue to remind us that we are somewhere new.
It was with genuine surprise and delight that a few days after being received I could say with a big smile on my face, “I am a Roman Catholic!” I am now a Roman Catholic deacon and soon to be a Roman Catholic priest, yet aware that this is just the start of the beginning.
It feels a bit like moving house. Even if your old house was in a bit of a state it was still home for many years and generated many good memories. The new house is beautiful, well maintained and full of exciting possibilities. The real business of making this beautiful house our home has only just begun.