A rather smaller number of people gathered for the meeting on 13 February. This meeting was intended to provide information to those who are definitely intending to engage with the Roman Catholic Church during Lent. We were privileged to welcome a member from outside Eastbourne, and the group currently includes twelve adults and a number of children. It’s still not too late to join: please make contact using the form and keep an eye on the sidebar here for events under a “Coming up” heading.
At the start of the meeting there was some discussion of a sermon heard by most of the group; more on this may appear on these pages later. [Edit: an individual response has now been published]
The Rite of Election, where potential members of the Ordinariate are formally recognised by the bishop, will take place (for Eastbourne) at Arundel Cathedral on Sunday 12 March at 3:00pm. This will probably include a portion similar to that published by the Archdiocese of Westminster.
The course of instruction during Lent will probably be based on Anchor, a six-session course “anchoring you in the Faith”.
Reception into the Church will probably be celebrated locally either on Maundy Thursday or Holy Saturday.
Because most of the Group live in the immediate area, we’re currently hoping to form a congregation at S Agnes’ Church; but the question of which congregation we shall join for Lent and Eastertide has still to be decided with local clergy.