On Friday 2nd December a group of people from the Ordinariate gathered at St Agnes for the first of our Advent sessions. We are using materials from the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton as a starting point and making it accessible to both adults and children. The materials focus on some of the “O” Antiphons used between 17th December and Christmas. All these have something to teach us about Christ.
The first antiphon used was the one about Wisdom:
O Wisdom, you come forth from the mouth of the Most High.
You fill the universe and hold all things together in a strong but gentle manner.
O come to teach us the way of truth.
The group investigated the meaning of this antiphon in different ways, ending up by writing, a response. Some wrote the Antiphon in their own words, some wrote a prayer. Here is what was written:
Love and Life come from God. You hold all things in your palm. He teaches us to be like him.
Pray to God at all times. Therefore we are always ready because God never leaves us. Thank you God for always being with me. You are the Most High, how wonderful the wisdom you give me at all times. Through your spirit you give me strength, even when feeling low. Thank you Lord.
Dear God, When I read the Magnificat Antiphon I feel peaceful, restful, true and dreamy so please help me to keep feeling that way when I read it. Please help me to be more like you through out the rest of my life. Amen.
My fear is that I don’t feel I am watchful enough. I never feel my prayers are adequate. I try to be alert and worthy of God’s love. Please Lord, help me to be awake to your coming and not let you down with my unreadiness.
O Knowing One you are the Living Word coming from the Most High. You sustain everything in beautiful simplicity. Show me the way to life, to you. You know me Help me to seek you and know you better.
O Lord, help us to receive the wisdom that you breathe, wisdom that fills and binds time and space, that we may receive the way of truth.
The wisdom from Jesus’ mouth.
He speaks wisdom. The Lord holds the world together and the universe with love and truth. He holds all. We ask him to come and teach us the truth. Help us to tell the truth and to keep the world together with truth.
You are the Living breath of God. You hold everything in your hand and keep it going by your love. Come close and teach us to know you.