Our 2024 Ordinariate Festival is entitled Lead, kindly Light and will take place at St Margaret Mary’s Church, New Moston, Manchester m40 0je from Tuesday 28 May to Thursday 30 May.

Unfortunately Fr Ray Matus CO is unable to attend, so Dr Andrew Nash will give reflections on the life and teaching of St John Henry Newman, under whose patronage the Ordinariate was placed at its inception. Andrew Nash read English at Trinity College, Cambridge, and went on to have a career teaching in Catholic schools. While he was Head of English and a Housemaster at the Oratory School (founded by Newman), he became the first doctoral graduate of the Maryvale Institute, Birmingham. He has lectured on Newman, and his critical edition of Newman’s Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England was published by Gracewing in 2000. Latterly Headmaster of St. Edward’s School, Cheltenham, he is now retired.

The programme has been published in the leaflet attached here, which also includes a form you can use to reserve a place at the Festival. There’s a modest cost of £30 to cover food at the Festival (dinner on Tuesday, and lunch and dinner on Wednesday) and the leaflet contains a select list of local hotels. You can fill the form in using your computer, and email it if your setup allows that, or print it and post it. Payment will be requested in due course.

Lead Kindly Light Programme