“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” Matt 9:37–38

Neil Taylor, at Christ the King ChurchWe are pleased to announce that Bishop David, Ordinary of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, will celebrate the 11:30 Mass next Sunday (23 March). As part of his visit, Bishop David will celebrate the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Deacons for Neil Taylor.

This Rite holds profound public and ecclesial importance. Enrolment for Holy Orders is the Church’s first official recognition of the positive signs of a vocation to the Diaconate. It affirms Neil’s call to serve, which will continue to be nurtured and confirmed during his formation.

This moment marks a pivotal step in Neil’s journey toward ordained ministry. Importantly, it represents the Church’s formal acceptance of a candidate’s intention to pursue Holy Orders and his commitment to serve God’s people.

Through this Rite, you are invited to witness and support Neil as he takes on greater responsibilities in his formation. He will publicly affirm his desire to dedicate himself to the Permanent Diaconate, a ministry of service that reflects Christ’s mission of love and compassion. He will commit to deepening his relationship with God, enhancing his understanding of the faith, and preparing to serve the Church’s and the world’s needs.

We encourage all parishioners, family members, and friends to join us in this special celebration. Your presence and prayers are invaluable as he embarks on this sacred path. This is an opportunity for the entire faith community to support and affirm those who have answered God’s call.

Let us come together to pray for him and other members of the Diaconate that the Holy Spirit may guide them throughout their formation. Their willingness to serve enriches our Church and provides a living example of faith in action. By attending the Rite of Admission to Candidacy, you play a vital role in encouraging and lifting Neil on his journey.

Mass will also include the First Scrutiny of the three candidates for Baptism, and the celebration is rounded off with a shared lunch for the entire community to congratulate all the candidates and meet the Bishop.