Posts by Julianne Chatfield

Being enhanced by the Weak.

Thursday 21 August 2014

As you may have noticed, Fr Neil has recently discovered Twitter. He enjoys its format and, in the middle of writing his sermon, will often tweet. Getting his thoughts down to 140 characters helps with the process. He also likes keeping up with a selection of MotoGP riders. However, this morning Twitter was not interesting […]

St Ignatius and thinking with the Church: Context and Disposition.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

I was reflecting recently on St Ignatius’ ‘Rules for thinking with the Church.’ In our journey from the Anglican Communion to being part of the Catholic Church, the riches of tradition and teaching have been a rare and beautiful gain. It is a gain that is both freeing and challenging. I find St Ignatius’ rules, […]

Holy Saturday: In the eye of the storm.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Neil and I were talking about the feeling of Holy Saturday, after praying the Office of Readings this morning. The reading from the Saints (below) uses beautiful imagery and it had made me think how we experience a hollowness, an emptiness on this part of Holy Week. At the same time, theologically speaking Christ has […]

“And I’m going with you.”

Sunday 16 March 2014

A couple of weekends I spent some time listening to Peter Kreeft talk about evil (and also good) in Lord of the Rings. It was, as always is with Kreeft, thought provoking and it got me thinking about what Tolkien does in the story. The part that struck me particularly strongly, on this listening, was […]

The Seven Last Words 2: “With me in Paradise.”

Friday 14 March 2014

‘Today you will be with me in Paradise.’ Here we witness the encounter of Jesus and the two thieves that are crucified alongside him. Both criminals would have seen the particular attention that Jesus drew from the religious leaders and leading men of the city. They may have already heard of Jesus before they found […]

Peace in the New Forest

Wednesday 12 March 2014

On the first full day of our time in the New Forest, we were privileged to have a morning with Mgr. Edwin Barnes, who is part of the Bournemouth Ordinariate and lives nearby. We had two sessions, the first being on the Peace. Fr Neil had asked Mgr. Barnes to talk about this partly because […]