Posts by Julianne Chatfield

The Great Divorce: Advent 2.1.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Our second session of C.S.Lewis’ The Great Divorce began by looking at what the We had established in our first session that Lewis is exploring many things including how and why individuals make the choices they do. It is also a fantasy inspired by faith. What he is not doing is discussing Theology or Doctrine. […]

The Great Divorce: Advent 1.2.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Chapters 1-3: From Heaven to Hell. Lewis opens the book with an image of Hell we are not expecting. It is somewhat reminiscent of Seaside (a part of Eastbourne where many of the group live). Run down, raining; it is dismal rather than terrifying. Here Shades are tormented by drizzle! It is a pointless place, […]

The Great Divorce: Advent group 1.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

This time last week some of us gathered for the first of our Advent study sessions. This year we are studying C.S. Lewis’ book ‘The Great Divorce.’ There are lots of strands to Advent and one of them is looking forward to the end things, including Heaven and Hell. This is a good book to […]

John’s Requiem

Thursday 27 November 2014

As many will know, John Pope’s Requiem will take place tomorrow at St Agnes Church, Whitley Road. There will be a eulogy at 10:15, followed by a period of silence. Mass will begin at 10:30am. There is food afterwards in the hall. Please pray for Val and their family, this evening as John’s body is […]

A Sad Week

Sunday 16 November 2014

As some of you may have noticed from our Facebook page, this is a sad week for us. On Wednesday night, our member John Pope died. He had been ill with cancer and had known it was terminal for many months. John was raised a Catholic, but spent many years involved with the Church of […]

Soul Cake, A Soul Cake!

Monday 3 November 2014

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of All Saints, moved from Saturday. All Souls, therefore moves to today. While researching All Saints and All Souls with my daughter, I came across the tradition of Soul Cakes. These were given as alms to the poor on behalf of the soul of a loved one. Some sites suggested […]