Posts by Julianne Chatfield

Pilgrimage to the tomb of St Philip Howard, Arundel

Friday 8 July 2016

Tomorrow many people from the Ordinariate, especially those from the Kent and Sussex groups will be traveling on pilgrimage to Arundel. This is part of the Called to be…programme for this year. This is the timetable for the day: 11.00am Confessions start at the Fitzalan Chapel. We will access the chapel via the High Street […]

Our home in England.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Several of our group travelled up to Norfolk for the Ordinariate pilgrimage to Walsingham on 25th June. (We forgot our camera so the official pictures can be found on the Ordinariate Flickr page) At our arrival at the Shrine, having walked the Holy Mile out of the village, we were welcomed by Mgr John Armitage. […]

Orientation to the Cross: Fr Neil’s Homily for 12th Sunday in Ordinary time.

Saturday 18 June 2016

We cannot begin to properly speak of the ‘Christ of God’, from today’s gospel, without reference to the Cross. Indeed if we are to follow Jesus we can only do so if we are willing to take up the cross ourselves. It is only by losing ourselves, our life, in the cross that we will […]

Cardinal Sarah’s important advice on the Eucharist.

Friday 3 June 2016

On Sunday as we were celebrating Corpus Christi, Fr Neil gave out two articles to read. One referred to how we receive the sacrament and the other was a copy on “Eastward facing” which Fr Neil had produced a few months ago. The decision to hand these out was prompted by an interview with Cardinal […]

Catechesis on receiving communion: A Corpus Christi reminder.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

As we celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday, Fr Neil took the opportunity to remind us how to receive communion. Here is the text that was given out: The Church teaches us that the Mass is the source and summit of the Christian life. From this follows the essential importance of our participation […]

A Baptism and a Confirmation.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Congratulations to Guido on his baptism and confirmation. It was a lovely afternoon and Guido’s confirmation cake was amazing! Here a a few pictures. Some more can be found on our Facebook page.