Posts tagged Advent

Advent Family 4: Watching Mary again!

Tuesday 24 December 2013

On Friday 20th some of our families gathered again at St Agnes for our final Advent group. Again, we took the same theme as the adults and considered Mary. We began by lighting the 4 Advent candles on our wreath and thought about the previous weeks: We have arrived at the last week of Advent […]

Advent Adults 4: Watching Mary.

Monday 23 December 2013

We began our last Adult group last week, by taking time to reflect on our Advent so far. Each of us has had a unique journey and, like so often we retain that uniqueness, while also contributing and sharing Advent together. We considered the themes of the three weeks so far, looking at the kingdom […]

Advent Family 3: The Kingdom seen in Love in action.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Having thought about what Christ is like as our king, the third family group session focused on showing Christ’s love the world in our actions and the way we are with others. Recapping from last week we sang another copying game, this time called “Super crab” In this game all do the actions of one […]

Advent Adults’ 3: The signs of the Kingdom

Friday 20 December 2013

Last Thursday we gathered for our third Advent group, looking at the Kingdom of God. We began by reading the Old Testament reading for Sunday (Isaiah 35:1-6,10) focusing on the signs of the Kingdom, including the desert flowering and healing been seen. We then read and discussed the following texts: an extract from Sunday’s Gospel: […]

Advent Families 2: Show me the King.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

As with our Adults’ group, our families concentrated on Christ, the King of God’s Kingdom in their second session. We thought for a little about what Jesus is like or what we knew about him as a person. Then we asked the children to write their ideas on post it notes and place on the […]

Advent Adults 2: Encountering the King.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

A busy Advent has meant I am a bit behind. So here is a report from our second Adults Advent Group: We spent the whole evening looking at the figure of Jesus Christ. In investigating the Kingdom of God, Christ is at the very heart, for he is the King. We began with a meditation […]