Posts tagged Epiphany

The Baptism of Christ, Pietro Perugino (1446–1523) and his workshop, c.1482 (detail)

Baptised into His mission

Sunday 9 January 2022

Our baptism is a baptism of repentance, but it is also one of fire. It is not just some past event consigned to the pages of the history of our lives but an ongoing present reality.

Adoration of the Magi, Gentile da Fabriano (c1370–1427), 1420; Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Kneel and adore him

Sunday 9 January 2022

The way of life begins with us bringing all that we are and kneeling with the wise men before the Babe of Bethlehem, God’s love and our salvation made flesh.

Announcement of Easter and the Moveable Feasts 2022

Saturday 8 January 2022

The announcement of the year’s liturgical calendar, following an ancient tradition, is made after the Gospel reading in the Mass of the Epiphany.

The wine of Heaven

Monday 18 January 2021

How we need to hear these sage words of Our Lady, “Do whatever he tells you.” They are simple words but the means by which we gain salvation, fulfil our vocation, are animated in the Spirit, encounter the wonder of his glory, and glimpse the heavenly banquet of the Kingdom.

Seek, find and rejoice

Thursday 7 January 2021

We need to have the humility to put aside our own ways of looking and searching. We need to be willing to submit ourselves to God’s revelation, to the Faith once delivered to the Saints, to the Church who has been given to us as our guide.

Love, life and resurrection

Monday 30 March 2020

It is on the fourth day, once Lazarus is truly dead, that Jesus reveals — even more powerfully than last week — who he truly is. He reveals the loving communion with his Father in heaven through prayer, and he speaks the word, “Lazarus, come out!”