Posts tagged Family

Thinking about freedom.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

A few years ago, Neil started reading stories out loud, on the walk to school. I now do most of these walks and have taken over the reading tradition. This week I began reading ‘Pippi Longstocking’ and several things struck me. Firstly, Pippi is fun and she is fun because she is slightly mad and […]

Reasons to be joyful…

Saturday 28 April 2012

I find myself still thinking over our time in Lourdes. It is characteristic of experiences that have profoundly drawn us to God that we need time to ‘unpack’ what has gone on. Almost two weeks since we returned, looking at the whole pilgrimage, the aspect that has stayed with me is that of joy. We […]

Reviewing the journey: Lent 6 with the children.

Thursday 5 April 2012

This Friday we had various different “prayer stations” laid out for the children to investigate. Some were ones lent by Miss Seal from St Thomas a Beckett, that some of the children there had used to reflect on the Passion. Our children had three on the Last Supper (from the gospel for Palm Sunday) and […]

Letting go and being healed: Lent 5 with the children.

Monday 26 March 2012

We had a full house on Friday, with plenty of excitement. We started settling down by praying the following prayer, which is attributed to John Wesley: I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed for you or […]

Hidden Secrets: Lent 4 All Age group.

Monday 19 March 2012

Following our slightly confusing pattern of alternating between separate, Friday and All age Sunday groups for Lent, this Sunday found us in St Agnes hall for lunch and study before Mass. The theme for this week looked at penitence and reconciliation, with the gospel being Jesus’ talk to Nicodemus and the Eucharistic reflection focusing on […]

Signs, temples, pop-ups and seeds: Lent 3.

Saturday 10 March 2012

On Friday we had our third Lent group. We had a split session, children first and adults later on. This post reports on the children’s session. We began the session with a prayer and then watched the scene from ‘The Miracle Maker’ which shows the ‘cleansing of the temple’, the gospel for this Sunday. The […]