Posts tagged Family

Transfiguration and Communion: Lent 2.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Sunday lunchtime saw some of our group meeting at Karlie and Kevin’s for lunch and Lent group. This was an all age session. In the first half we concentrated on the Gospel for Lent 2, Mark’s account of the Transfiguration. We started by looking at a range of artwork, some traditional, some modern, which portrayed […]

Who will I be?: Lent group 1.

Monday 27 February 2012

With most of the group off on Pilgrimage in Rome, the families all gathered for the first of our Lent groups. During Lent we are having some all age sessions and some sessions with a children’s group followed by an adults group. We are again basing the content on the Arundel and Brighton Lent materials, […]

Jesus in the Wilderness.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Yesterday we had our first Lent group (report to follow) Here is the version of ‘Jesus being tempted in the Wilderness’ I wrote for one activity. The Spirit called Jesus out into the wilderness. Time alone with his Father. The Tempter saw an opportunity and took it. “Are you sure you are the Son of […]

Walking through the desert: Lent as a family 2

Saturday 18 February 2012

There are real contrasts in the story of Lent and Easter. Using these themes or images can help children see some of the meaning in the stories. You might simply point out the images when reading the Bible or you might use pictures or activities to deepen this aspect of Lent. You might want to […]

Walking through the desert- Lent as a family 1.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Lent is approaching; a time of penance, it allows us to prepare for the Pascal mystery in Holy Week. This can be a hard time for children to understand, particularly when they are young. Yet experiencing the change of season is an important part of spiritual development. Some of the things that help children enter […]

Bedtime Stories.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Bedtime stories, in fact stories at any time of the day are a wonderful experience for both parents and children. I have strong memories of my mother reading to us. As she is talented at art, she would sometimes draw a picture at the space at the end of a chapter. When we read to […]