Posts tagged Prayer

Prayer Vigil: Mid-afternoon Prayer (None)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Members and friends of the Ordinariate in Eastbourne are gathering to pray for the world, the Ordinariate and the group for 12 hours today [Saturday]. The Hours of the Divine Office are said during that time. Throughout the day we are using a version of the Office which is based on that published by Universalis. […]

Prayer Vigil: Mid-day Prayer (Sext)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Members and friends of the Ordinariate in Eastbourne are gathering to pray for the world, the Ordinariate and the group for 12 hours today [Saturday]. The Hours of the Divine Office are said during that time. Throughout the day we are using a version of the Office which is based on that published by Universalis. […]

Prayer Vigil: Mid-morning Prayer (Terce)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Members and friends of the Ordinariate in Eastbourne are gathering to pray for the world, the Ordinariate and the group for 12 hours today [Saturday]. The Hours of the Divine Office are said during that time. Throughout the day we are using a version of the Office which is based on that published by Universalis. […]

Prayer Vigil: Morning Prayer (Lauds)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Members and friends of the Ordinariate in Eastbourne are gathering to pray for the world, the Ordinariate and the group for 12 hours today [Saturday]. The Hours of the Divine Office are said during that time. Throughout the day we are using a version of the Office which is based on that published by Universalis. […]

Prayer Vigil: Office of Readings (Mattins)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Members and friends of the Ordinariate in Eastbourne are gathering to pray for the world, the Ordinariate and the group for 12 hours today [Saturday]. The Hours of the Divine Office are said during that time. Throughout the day we are using a version of the Office which is based on that published by Universalis. […]

Prayers for the Synod on the Family

Sunday 5 October 2014

Pope Francis has composed a Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod, and the Church also offers the following proposed intentions for use during the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass during the synod. These intentions can also be included in the petitions at Lauds and Vespers. The recitation of the Holy Rosary is […]