Posts tagged Prayer

Day for Life

Sunday 28 July 2013

Today is Day for Life. I was struck by the prayer for this year: Holy Mary, Mother of Love, holding in your arms, the fruit of your womb, graciously look upon our earth and remove from it all that hardens our hearts and dims our eyes to the preciousness of human life, from the moment […]

Advent prayers for Families.

Thursday 6 December 2012

I love life’s little surprises. Each Advent we read Jostein Gaarder’s “The Christmas Mystery”. This year when we opened it out fell a piece of paper with this prayer scribbled on it. Give us new eyes, Lord, to see our lives in the light of your love. Too often our fear, neediness, anger, or hurt […]

Compline and Conferencing

Wednesday 21 November 2012

We have started a little way down the road to developing our community prayer life this week. On Sunday a handful of the group met to do Compline and Karlie and I talked about what we gained from our talk with Jo Gilbert. It was suggested that we try the following way forward. We will […]

Prayer Time.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Throughout our journey together we have discussed what we were called to do as a group. Those who started off our preparation to enter the Catholic Church, via the Ordinariate have all talked about knowing now that they are in the ‘right place’. We hope that those going through RCIA this year feel the same […]

Within the bounds of Grace.

Friday 5 October 2012

On Saturday several of our group met up at Karlie and Kevin’s house for lunch together. The main aim was to get to know some of those who are beginning the RCIA with a view to joining the Roman Catholic Church via the Ordinariate. It also gave them the opportunity to get to know us […]

Story Time for Pentecost.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Again, this week we had a story in which the children use their imagination to think about a Bible story. This week they were in the Upper Room with Mary and the disciples: Close your eyes. The disciples had been up studying the scriptures all night. As dawn came they began praying together. Picture the […]