Saturday 5 January 2019
The Epiphany mass is when chalk is blessed so that we can mark our houses with a blessing for the coming year.
A community in Christ seeking and sharing transforming grace, reconciling love and compassionate hope
The Epiphany mass is when chalk is blessed so that we can mark our houses with a blessing for the coming year.
The Epiphany mass is when chalk is blessed so that we can mark our houses with a blessing for the coming year. Suitable prayers are available from a variety of sources. These are from The Twelve Days of Christmas by Elsa Chaney. Peace be to this house, and to all who dwell herein. From the […]
Chalk was blessed at the Epiphany mass so that we could mark our houses with a blessing for the coming year. Suitable prayers are available from a variety of sources. These are from The Twelve Days of Christmas by Elsa Chaney. Peace be to this house, and to all who dwell herein. From the east […]
On Friday 20th some of our families gathered again at St Agnes for our final Advent group. Again, we took the same theme as the adults and considered Mary. We began by lighting the 4 Advent candles on our wreath and thought about the previous weeks: We have arrived at the last week of Advent […]
As with our Adults’ group, our families concentrated on Christ, the King of God’s Kingdom in their second session. We thought for a little about what Jesus is like or what we knew about him as a person. Then we asked the children to write their ideas on post it notes and place on the […]
Last Friday some of our regular families gathered at St Agnes for the first of our children friendly Advent group. Like the Adults the children will be focusing on the Kingdom of God for the four weeks up to Christmas. We began thinking about the change of season. In the natural we see the signs […]
Fr Neil Chatfield
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Tomorrow is the First Sunday in Lent. Join us for Mass celebrated according to Divine Worship at 11:30am at Christ the King Church, Langney. We'd love to see you! In the pew sheet you can find details of the forthcoming Admission to Candidacy for Ordination of Neil Taylor, by Bishop David, in two weeks’ time — it's available at the link in the image below.
And the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you”, and “On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”’ And Jesus answered him, ‘It is said, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”’
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First Sunday in Lent (Quadragesima Sunday)
Pew sheet for the First Sunday in Lent, 9 March 20250 CommentsComment on Facebook
Mass for the Beginning of Lent with the Imposition of Ashes is celebrated according to Divine Worship at 7:00 this evening at Christ the King Church Langney.
Mass is also celebrated at noon, and at 10am at St Joachim's Hampden Park.
[Image from the Flickr stream of Royal Griffin CC-BY-NC]
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"Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?"
As we arrive at Quinquagesima Sunday, the final step before entering Lent, the Church presents us with a Gospel that urges self-examination. Jesus warns against hypocrisy, calling out the tendency to notice the speck in our brother’s eye while ignoring the beam in our own. He reminds us that a good tree bears good fruit, and a person’s heart is revealed by their words and actions. The message is clear: before we seek to correct others, we must first allow God to purify our own hearts. True discipleship begins with humility, recognising our need for God’s grace before we presume to lead or correct others.
Quinquagesima calls us to reflect: Are we truly seeing with the eyes of Christ, or are we blinded by pride, judgment, or self-righteousness? As Lent approaches, this Gospel invites us to take stock of our spiritual lives, asking God to remove the beams from our own eyes so that we may see clearly. The call to bear good fruit is not about outward appearances but about deep interior conversion. May we enter this coming season with hearts open to transformation, seeking not to condemn but to be healed, so that we may lead others to Christ with true clarity and love.
Artwork is The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1525–1569, completed in 1568.
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