Posts tagged Praying with our Children

Faith: Advent Family Group 1

Friday 30 November 2012

Friday evening saw a few families gather at St Agnes for the second of our Advent groups. Faith was our theme for this week and after lighting candles and singing “Wait for the Lord” we thought about what went on inside us during Advent: When Mary was told she would be Jesus’ mother, he didn’t […]

Telling the stories: All Saints and All Souls.

Friday 2 November 2012

Sometimes in a family doing the off-the-cuff thing can be the thing that works. This is true of the spiritual side of family life too. Last night as the Chatfields and Allaways sat round the table for evening meal before Mass for All Saints we lit a candle and, as is our habit so far […]

Books to develop Children’s Spirituality: Monster Mission.

Saturday 14 July 2012

After writing the post on God playing with the monsters of the deep, I kept thinking about Eva Ibbottson’s book ‘Monster Mission’. I thought how well it conveys this sense of God in the character of the Kracken. The Kracken is a huge sea monster who swims around the seas. He hums as he goes. […]

Jairus’ Daughter: A guided meditation for families.

Monday 2 July 2012

Here is a meditation/ story based on yesterday’s gospel that can be used at a family prayer time. In this story, there is a real intimacy to Jesus’ interaction with both the woman in Jairus. It helps to speak Jesus’ words softly and allow children time to hear them and imagine the reaction in the […]

The Cedar that God grew- A story for family prayer time.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

The imagery of the readings on Sunday has stayed with me. The Old Testament reading, from Ezekiel is very similar to the second parable Jesus tells in the gospel. Here is the text: “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar and plant […]

Of tiny seeds.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Here is a version of the story used with the children today. I used the Rubelev Icon of the Holy Trinity, an icon of the Crucifixion and some black mustard seeds. The first part can be omitted (particularly for use with younger children and just the parables used. Before we begin, let’s think about what […]