Posts tagged Reflecting on our journey

Continuing our Process

Saturday 28 January 2012

Last year, as part of our preparation for entering the Catholic Church, we spent time considering what we, as a group were called to. This continued after Easter.  We focused on what it meant to be a Eucharistic community. With several months of having our own mass on Sunday afternoon, Advent group and our first […]

Repetition, repetition.

Friday 20 January 2012

I have completed an Examen for last year 3 times now and it has reminded me of the importance of repetition in my spiritual life. This is a practice central to the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. The idea is that people pray with a passage or topic that they have already prayed with. However it isn’t […]

Doing an Examen for a Year.

Friday 6 January 2012

I first became aware of doing an annual Examen when reading “Sleeping with heart bread” by Matthew, Dennis and Sheila Linn. The two brothers had long had the practice of going away with friends to share what had happened to them over the previous years, in order to examine where they were spiritually. It also […]

Looking back.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Daily Examen, in which we identify the ways we have turned towards or away from God, can also be done for a year. Reviewing 2011 is not a task I relish such has been the upheaval but I know that doing so will help me see where I am spiritually. This time last year […]

A time for waiting, a time for celebrating.

Thursday 29 December 2011

This Advent has been a very rich one for me. The materials on the ‘O Antiphons’ from the Arundel and Brighton Diocese have been wonderful. On our last Ordinariate group on 23rd December we had a meditation at the end of the session, which went over the themes for the last four weeks. The questions […]

What are wasps for?

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Working at the allotment today I was weeding the beans, thinking about Eucharistic living, when I dug into an ants’ nest. All my worked stopped as ants ran everywhere rescuing eggs. I did not thank God for these creatures. I did start an anti-ant rant in my head. I have discovered nests in four of […]