Posts tagged Reflecting on our journey

“I love it when a plan comes together.”

Tuesday 14 June 2011

June 10th saw our last Friday class. Following Neil’s ordination, teaching will be part of our Sunday afternoons, after mass. I was struck by the fact that everything seemed to tie into the study I have done recently. Had someone sat down to write a session to answer my questions and take me on to the next […]

Thoughts on the Passion

Thursday 9 June 2011

Recently, I had one of those moments where things I had been holding, in different parts of my brain, suddenly seemed to fit together. I was writing an assignment on the part of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises where a person contemplates the crucifixion. Part of this is to be with Christ as he suffers in […]

Our lives are not our own

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The theme of Christ’s self-giving has been a reoccurring one this Lent. Not surprisingly it turned up again on Friday as our class was on the Mass. It got me thinking about how Christ’s sacrificial love for us, demonstrated on the cross, requires a response. What happens to me when I discover this God who […]

The Rite of Reconciliation

Thursday 31 March 2011

On Confession: I have spent quite a lot of time, since last Friday, reflecting on our class on confession and baptism. For many of us these are big issues. In the next few weeks there will be several baptisms and first confessions. For me the thoughts that have been going round my head are to […]

Branches of the Vine

Sunday 13 March 2011

Julianne Chatfield writes about the first week… We have had a whirlwind of a week: Ash Wednesday; the first Formation class; Rite of Election; first mass at St Agnes. All sorts of thoughts and feelings have come into play. As the dust begins to settle I have found myself thinking over Friday’s presentation on the […]