Posts tagged Sunday readings

Reviewing the journey: Lent 6 with the children.

Thursday 5 April 2012

This Friday we had various different “prayer stations” laid out for the children to investigate. Some were ones lent by Miss Seal from St Thomas a Beckett, that some of the children there had used to reflect on the Passion. Our children had three on the Last Supper (from the gospel for Palm Sunday) and […]

Let go and be healed: Lent 5. Grown ups’ version.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Once all the bandages, plasters and cuddly toys had been cleared away from the children’s session (see below), the adults took their turn. We began with the same prayer as the children and then listened to the gospel and the reflection from the Lent materials. As a group we noticed the following about the gospel: […]

Hidden Secrets: Lent 4 All Age group.

Monday 19 March 2012

Following our slightly confusing pattern of alternating between separate, Friday and All age Sunday groups for Lent, this Sunday found us in St Agnes hall for lunch and study before Mass. The theme for this week looked at penitence and reconciliation, with the gospel being Jesus’ talk to Nicodemus and the Eucharistic reflection focusing on […]

Cleansing the temple and breaking the Word: Lent 3 with the adults.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

All the things used in the children’s session were left out for the adults to try and work out what the children did. There were some inventive ideas! We began with a prayer, based on the Lord’s Prayer: Father God, Source of life and Love, whose name is more beautiful and full of meaning than […]

Signs, temples, pop-ups and seeds: Lent 3.

Saturday 10 March 2012

On Friday we had our third Lent group. We had a split session, children first and adults later on. This post reports on the children’s session. We began the session with a prayer and then watched the scene from ‘The Miracle Maker’ which shows the ‘cleansing of the temple’, the gospel for this Sunday. The […]

Transfiguration and Communion: Lent 2.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Sunday lunchtime saw some of our group meeting at Karlie and Kevin’s for lunch and Lent group. This was an all age session. In the first half we concentrated on the Gospel for Lent 2, Mark’s account of the Transfiguration. We started by looking at a range of artwork, some traditional, some modern, which portrayed […]