Posts tagged Sunday readings

Meditation from Lent Group 1.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Here is one of the meditations for adults using the Lent materials. You may want to read the reflection on temptation from week 1 of ‘Communion with Christ’ Sit so you are comfortable and alert. Take time to come to stillness. Take some deep breaths and as you do so become aware that God is with […]

Who will I be?: Lent group 1.

Monday 27 February 2012

With most of the group off on Pilgrimage in Rome, the families all gathered for the first of our Lent groups. During Lent we are having some all age sessions and some sessions with a children’s group followed by an adults group. We are again basing the content on the Arundel and Brighton Lent materials, […]

Jesus in the Wilderness.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Yesterday we had our first Lent group (report to follow) Here is the version of ‘Jesus being tempted in the Wilderness’ I wrote for one activity. The Spirit called Jesus out into the wilderness. Time alone with his Father. The Tempter saw an opportunity and took it. “Are you sure you are the Son of […]

All eyes were on him.

Friday 10 February 2012

The readings from a couple of weeks ago have kept cropping up in my mind. Jesus is teaching in the synagogue and all eyes are fixed on him. He speaks with such authority that everyone is amazed. Maybe in their minds they begin to wonder “Who is this man? Where does all this come from?” […]