Posts tagged The Examen

Watch, for you know not the hour

Sunday 29 November 2020

Let this Advent not disappear under the weight of shopping and tinsel, but be a beautiful time of watching with thanksgiving and a passionate longing for the return of the Lord in all his glory.

Preparing to look back.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

This week members of the Eastbourne Ordinariate group meet to review their individual year. Last year, in January, we did this in preparation for the visit of our Ordinary, Mgr Keith Newton. So much came out of it. It enabled us as a group to get to know ourselves and each other better and out […]

The Wrong Blogs.

Friday 22 June 2012

A little while ago, I was ranting about something that I can’t now remember. Neil looked at me and said “You’ve been reading the Wrong Blogs again, haven’t you?” He was right. But what are the ‘Wrong Blogs”? I am not going to give a list of blogs to stay clear of because this is […]