The Ordinariate is uniquely placed to help those wishing to engage in a journey of discovery into the Catholic Church, especially for those who have had some Christian formation in other denominations (see Why the Ordinariate).

The first step is to come to Mass each Sunday, even if the celebration of the Mass feels strange and confusing. Don’t worry about not knowing what to do or say: there will be sheets and orders of service provided to help. The Catholic Church welcomes everyone to join the community, but only Catholics are able to come forward and receive the body of Christ in the sacrament. This is not to exclude people but so that those who receive Christ in the sacrament are formed properly and are formally part of the body of Christ, the Church.

Please make yourself known to the priest, in person after Mass, as well as via the contact page on this website. The priest will initially take a few details so that the process of establishing formation can begin.

All adults who wish to explore and enter the Catholic Church require a period of formation, usually six months or more. This period of formation will be tailored to the needs of the group or individual, exploring the basics of the Catholic faith that are essential to believe before being received into the Catholic Church. Some may need to be baptised and/or confirmed. There may be complicated marital relationships that need to be resolved. Traditionally the formal and liturgical means of becoming a Catholic take place at Easter, although there may be good reason to arrange another time in the year.

If you are thinking of investigating the Catholic faith, I strongly encourage you to do so, as you will engage on a journey facing some of the most important questions you will ever ask. It will be challenging and demanding but also a journey of profound enlightenment and truth that will transform your life as your draw closer to Jesus, Son of the living God. As Jesus said; “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:31–32