Sunday was Our Lady of Walsingham, the title feast of our Ordinariate. As we usually have cake afterwards we had to find something special and so we had truffles- some ginger and some mint. And lots of cake. So much that Kevin didn’t need to put out the brownies he had made. This cause scandal among certain members of our group.

It was also birthday for one of our younger people. A cake covered in jelly babies was rustled up by his mother.

A bit fuzzy, but you get the idea.

While preparing the children’s story I was struck by two things. Firstly that wisdom dwells in the presence of the Lord and that wisdom has to be linked to openness to God and spiritual freedom. The two things are seen so clearly in Our Lady. She is free and open to God in such a way that she says “Yes” when he invites her to participate in his Incarnation. This wise act of faith then means that Mary becomes like the temple, the place of dwelling for God. Of course in Walsingham, Richeldis had built a house like the one in Nazareth, where the Holy Family lived in wisdom and love.