Posts tagged Imaginative prayer

A week of guided prayer.

Monday 16 March 2015

This week, in Eastbourne,there is a week of guided prayer. From today, until Friday participants will pray for half an hour each day and meet a prayer guide, also for 30 minutes. Any form of prayer can be taught in such a week but we have chosen to focus on using Scripture in prayer. Three […]

Blessing of the House at Epiphany

Sunday 4 January 2015

Chalk was blessed at the Epiphany mass so that we could mark our houses with a blessing for the coming year. Suitable prayers are available from a variety of sources. These are from The Twelve Days of Christmas by Elsa Chaney. Peace be to this house, and to all who dwell herein. From the east […]

Images of the Spirit 3: Guided meditation for Children.

Friday 1 June 2012

This image of the Holy Spirit is inspired by a reflection by Catholic Philospher, Peter Kreeft. He is also a surfer so the link between the Sea and God is a natural one for him, and maybe also for us who also live by it. Close you eyes. You are on a beach. What sort […]

Images of the Spirit 2: Guided meditation for children.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Here is the second guided mediation to use with children on the Holy Spirit, inspiration taken this time from St Basil the Great: Close your eyes. You are standing in a dark place. There is no light to see by. What does it feel like to be in the dark? As you stand there someone […]

Images of the Spirit 1: Guided meditation for Children.

Monday 28 May 2012

Last week, in the run up to Pentecost, I was struck by some of the images used in the readings from the Saints in the Office. I have turned some of them into guided meditations to use with children. Images can be useful as they can go beyond words. Sometimes, in the Spiritual life our […]

Story Time for Pentecost.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Again, this week we had a story in which the children use their imagination to think about a Bible story. This week they were in the Upper Room with Mary and the disciples: Close your eyes. The disciples had been up studying the scriptures all night. As dawn came they began praying together. Picture the […]