Posts tagged Prayer

Imaginative Prayer with Children

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Thinking about the story time on Sunday made me think again about the importance of story for children’s spiritual development. Many fiction stories, fairy tales and myths provide abundant material for developing children’s spiritual awareness. As a Church we also have Scripture which, of course, is one of the most important sources we have for […]


Tuesday 15 May 2012

My lecture day and a meeting yesterday both included reflection on spiritual freedom. One reflection time during the lecture day I thought about times- short and fleeting but with a long lasting effect- that were moments of real freedom. On my retreat, almost two years ago, I sat, unusually for me, still and in silence […]

Being the Body of Christ

Saturday 17 March 2012

Part of our discussion at the last adult Lent group focused on the Communion of Saints again. A comment came back to me this week. It was about how the suffering of members of the Body of Christ effects us. This statement came back to me when listening to a report on the situation in […]

Meditation from Lent Group 1.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Here is one of the meditations for adults using the Lent materials. You may want to read the reflection on temptation from week 1 of ‘Communion with Christ’ Sit so you are comfortable and alert. Take time to come to stillness. Take some deep breaths and as you do so become aware that God is with […]

Here comes Mrs Irritable.

Friday 24 February 2012

On Ash Wednesday my forehead was itchy due to the ashes, irritating, reminding me it was Lent. I have been irritable for days, feeling the coming change of season. I always find Lent hard. Fasting finds out all my weaknesses and I am not overly keen on the journey to the Cross. This year, however, […]

St Augustine on desire for God.

Friday 17 February 2012

I was struck by the second reading of the Office of Readings this morning. St Augustine writes on desire for God. If you don’t have a copy of the office, it can be read here. (This is a slightly different version to the one in the Office book) One paragraph that jumped out at me was […]