Options to subscribe to the calendar are at the bottom of the page. We also have details of Mass intentions. Show past events
March 2025
Saturday 1 March 1
S David B, Patron of Wales
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
A Day with Mary
A Day with Mary
10:00 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass, Rosary, Adoration and more, honouring the Mother of God.
Please bring your own lunch; tea and coffee will be provided.
This event is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 2 March 2
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 3 March 3
Tuesday 4 March 4
S Casimir
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Wednesday 5 March 5
Ash Wednesday
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Solemn Beginning of Lent and Mass
Solemn Beginning of Lent and Mass
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Thursday 6 March 6
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 7 March 7
SS Perpetua & Felicity MM
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
Saturday 8 March 8
S John of God Rel
Sunday 9 March 9
I Lent (Quadragesima)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 10 March 10
Tuesday 11 March 11
Wednesday 12 March 12
Ember Day
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Seniors’ Group
Seniors’ Group
11:00 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Make new friends at a group especially for seniors. Tea and coffee are available.
Thursday 13 March 13
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
No Mass
No Mass
7:00 pm
It’s not possible to celebrate this Thursday evening Mass.
Friday 14 March 14
Ember Day
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 15 March 15
Ember Day
Sunday 16 March 16
II Lent
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 17 March 17
S Patrick B, Patron of Ireland
Tuesday 18 March 18
S Cyril of Jerusalem BD
Wednesday 19 March 19
S Joseph, Husband of Our Lady
Thursday 20 March 20
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 21 March 21
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
Saturday 22 March 22
Sunday 23 March 23
III Lent
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Pontifical Mass
Pontifical Mass
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
This Mass is celebrated by the Rt Revd David Waller, Bishop of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and will include the candidacy of Neil Taylor for training in the diaconate.
This Mass is followed by a community lunch to celebrate: bring a plate of food to share.
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 24 March 24
Tuesday 25 March 25
Annunciation of the Lord
Wednesday 26 March 26
Thursday 27 March 27
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Seniors’ Group
Seniors’ Group
10:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Make new friends at a group especially for seniors. Tea and coffee are available.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 28 March 28
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 29 March 29
Sunday 30 March 30
IV Lent (Mothering Sunday)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 31 March 31
April 2025
Tuesday 1 April 1
Wednesday 2 April 2
S Francis of Paola Hermit
Thursday 3 April 3
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 4 April 4
S Isidore BD
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
Saturday 5 April 5
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 6 April 6
Passion Sunday (V Lent)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 7 April 7
S John Baptist de la Salle Pr
Tuesday 8 April 8
Wednesday 9 April 9
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Seniors’ Group
Seniors’ Group
11:00 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Make new friends at a group especially for seniors. Tea and coffee are available.
Thursday 10 April 10
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Chrism Mass
Chrism Mass
11:00 am
Our Lady of the Assumption & St. Gregory, Warwick St, London W1B 5LZ
Celebrated by the Bishop Ordinary, the Rt Revd David Waller
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 11 April 11
S Stanislaus BM
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The customary Stations of the Cross on Lenten Fridays. This devotion is likely to be in modern language.
9:00 pm
Men's Way of the Cross
Men's Way of the Cross
9:00 pm
Our Lady of Ransom Church
A night walk for men along the Seven Sisters, praying the Stations of the Cross.Details
Saturday 12 April 12
Men's Way of the Cross ⤺
Ends 7:00 am
Men's Way of the Cross
Our Lady of Ransom Church
A night walk for men along the Seven Sisters, praying the Stations of the Cross.Details
Sunday 13 April 13
Palm Sunday
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Mass during Lent is preceded by Stations of the Cross in church at 10:30.
Monday 14 April 14
Monday in Holy Week
Tuesday 15 April 15
Tuesday in Holy Week
Wednesday 16 April 16
Wednesday in Holy Week
Thursday 17 April 17
Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
8:00 pm – 11:59 pm
Watch until midnight
Watch until midnight
8:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 18 April 18
Good Friday
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion
3:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Saturday 19 April 19
Holy Saturday
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Solemn Vigil and First Mass of Easter
Solemn Vigil and First Mass of Easter
8:30 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Sunday 20 April 20
Easter Day
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 21 April 21
Easter Monday
Tuesday 22 April 22
Easter Tuesday
Wednesday 23 April 23
Easter Wednesday
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Fish’n’chip supper
Fish’n’chip supper
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Although St George’s Day is moved in the church’s calendar, join us for evening with one of our national dishes cooked by a local chippy.
Thursday 24 April 24
Easter Thursday
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 25 April 25
Easter Friday
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 26 April 26
Easter Saturday
Sunday 27 April 27
II Easter
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 28 April 28
S George M
Tuesday 29 April 29
S Catherine of Siena DV
Wednesday 30 April 30
S Pius V Pp
May 2025
Thursday 1 May 1
S Joseph the Worker
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 2 May 2
S Athanasius BD
Saturday 3 May 3
SS Philip & James, Apostles
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 4 May 4
III Easter
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
This Mass includes the Crowning of Mary
Monday 5 May 5
S Asaph B
Tuesday 6 May 6
S John the Apostle in Eastertide
Wednesday 7 May 7
Thursday 8 May 8
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 9 May 9
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 10 May 10
S John of Avila PrD
Sunday 11 May 11
IV Easter
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 12 May 12
SS Nereus & Achilleus MM; S Pancras M
Tuesday 13 May 13
Our Lady of Fatima
Wednesday 14 May 14
S Matthias Ap
S Matthias Ap
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
Thursday 15 May 15
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 16 May 16
Saturday 17 May 17
Sunday 18 May 18
V Easter
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
This Mass is followed by a community lunch. Bring food to share!
Monday 19 May 19
S Dunstan B
Tuesday 20 May 20
S Bernadine of Siena Pr
12:00 pm
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope”
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope”
12:00 pm
Church Of The Precious Blood And All Souls, Kingsland Ave, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 8DX, UK
Theannual festival gathers all the members of the Ordinariate together in one place for two days of fellowship, worship, formation, great food, prayer and more.
Wednesday 21 May 21
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope”
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope”
Church Of The Precious Blood And All Souls, Kingsland Ave, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 8DX, UK
Theannual festival gathers all the members of the Ordinariate together in one place for two days of fellowship, worship, formation, great food, prayer and more.
Thursday 22 May 22
S Rita of Cascia Rel
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope” ⤺
Ends 1:30 pm
Ordinariate Festival “All my Hope”
Church Of The Precious Blood And All Souls, Kingsland Ave, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 8DX, UK
Theannual festival gathers all the members of the Ordinariate together in one place for two days of fellowship, worship, formation, great food, prayer and more.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 23 May 23
S Petroc Ab
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 24 May 24
S Adhelm B
Sunday 25 May 25
VI Easter
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 26 May 26
Rogation Monday
Tuesday 27 May 27
S Augustine of Canterbury B
Wednesday 28 May 28
Rogation Wednesday
Thursday 29 May 29
Ascension of Our Lord
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 30 May 30
Saturday 31 May 31
Visitation of Our Lady
June 2025
Sunday 1 June 1
VII Easter (Sunday after Ascension)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 2 June 2
SS Marcellinus & Peter MM
Tuesday 3 June 3
SS Charles Lwanga & Comp MM
Wednesday 4 June 4
Thursday 5 June 5
S Boniface BM
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 6 June 6
S Norbert B
Saturday 7 June 7
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 8 June 8
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 9 June 9
Monday in the Octave of Pentecost
Tuesday 10 June 10
Tuesday in the Octave of Pentecost
Wednesday 11 June 11
Ember Wednesday
Thursday 12 June 12
Christ the Eternal High Priest
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 13 June 13
Ember Friday
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 14 June 14
Ember Saturday
Sunday 15 June 15
Trinity Sunday
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 16 June 16
S Richard of Chichester B
Tuesday 17 June 17
Wednesday 18 June 18
Thursday 19 June 19
S Romuald Ab
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 20 June 20
S Alban M
Saturday 21 June 21
S Aloysius Gonzaga Rel
Sunday 22 June 22
Corpus Christi
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 23 June 23
S Paulinus of Nola B; S Etheldreda V
Tuesday 24 June 24
Nativity of S John the Baptist
Nativity of S John the Baptist
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
Wednesday 25 June 25
Thursday 26 June 26
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 27 June 27
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Friday abstinence does not apply on Solemnities.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 28 June 28
Immaculate Heart of Mary
S Irenaeus BM
Sunday 29 June 29
SS Peter & Paul App ✠
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Bacon butties are available after this Mass with refreshments in the hall.
Monday 30 June 30
First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
July 2025
Tuesday 1 July 1
S Oliver Plunkett BM
Wednesday 2 July 2
Thursday 3 July 3
S Thomas Ap
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 4 July 4
S Elizabeth of Portugal
Saturday 5 July 5
S Anthony Zaccaria Pr
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 6 July 6
Trinity III
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 7 July 7
Tuesday 8 July 8
Wednesday 9 July 9
S Augustine Zhao Rong Pr & Comp MM
Thursday 10 July 10
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 11 July 11
S Benedict Ab
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 12 July 12
11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Summer Fayre and Barbecue
Summer Fayre and Barbecue
11:00 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Sunday 13 July 13
Trinity IV
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 14 July 14
S Camillus de Lellis Pr
Tuesday 15 July 15
S Bonaventura BD; S Swithun B
Wednesday 16 July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel; S Osmund B
Thursday 17 July 17
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 18 July 18
Saturday 19 July 19
Sunday 20 July 20
Trinity V
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 21 July 21
S Lawrence of Brindisi PrD
Tuesday 22 July 22
S Mary Magdalene
Wednesday 23 July 23
S Bridget of Sweden Rel
Thursday 24 July 24
S Sharbel Maklūf Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 25 July 25
S James Ap
S James Ap
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 26 July 26
SS Joachim & Anne, Parents of Our Lady
Sunday 27 July 27
Trinity VI
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Bacon butties are available after this Mass with refreshments in the hall.
Monday 28 July 28
Tuesday 29 July 29
SS Martha, Mary & Lazarus
Wednesday 30 July 30
S Peter Chrysologus BD
Thursday 31 July 31
S Ignatius of Loyola Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
August 2025
Friday 1 August 1
S Alphonsus Liguori BD
Saturday 2 August 2
S Eusebius of Vercelli B; S Peter Julian Eymard Pr
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 3 August 3
Trinity VII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 4 August 4
S John Mary Vianney Pr
Tuesday 5 August 5
Dedication of the Basilica of S Mary Major; S Oswald M
Wednesday 6 August 6
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Thursday 7 August 7
S Sixtus II Pp & Comp MM; S Cajetan Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 8 August 8
S Dominic Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 9 August 9
S Teresa Benedicta of the Cross VM
Sunday 10 August 10
Trinity VIII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 11 August 11
S Clare V
Tuesday 12 August 12
S Jane Frances de Chantal Rel
Wednesday 13 August 13
SS Pontian Pp & Hippolytus Pr MM
Thursday 14 August 14
S Maximilian Kolbe PrM
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 15 August 15
Assumption of Our Lady ✠
Assumption of Our Lady ✠
The Friday abstinence does not apply on Solemnities.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Sung Mass
Sung Mass
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Saturday 16 August 16
S Stephen of Hungary
Sunday 17 August 17
Trinity IX
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 18 August 18
Tuesday 19 August 19
S John Eudes Pr
Wednesday 20 August 20
S Bernard AbD
Thursday 21 August 21
S Pius X Pp
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 22 August 22
Our Lady Queen of Heaven
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 23 August 23
S Rose of Lima V
Sunday 24 August 24
Trinity X
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 25 August 25
S Louis; S Joseph Calasanz Pr
Tuesday 26 August 26
Bl Dominic of the Mother of God Pr
Wednesday 27 August 27
S Monica
Thursday 28 August 28
S Augustine of Hippo BD
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 29 August 29
Decollation of S John the Baptist
Saturday 30 August 30
SS Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line & Margaret Ward MM
Sunday 31 August 31
Trinity XI
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
September 2025
Monday 1 September 1
Tuesday 2 September 2
Wednesday 3 September 3
S Gregory the Great PpD
Thursday 4 September 4
S Cuthbert B
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 5 September 5
S Teresa of Calcutta V
Saturday 6 September 6
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 7 September 7
Trinity XII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 8 September 8
Nativity of Our Lady
Tuesday 9 September 9
S Peter Claver Pr
Wednesday 10 September 10
Thursday 11 September 11
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 12 September 12
Most Holy Name of Mary
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 13 September 13
S John Chrysostom BD
Sunday 14 September 14
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
This Mass is followed by a community lunch. Bring food to share!
Monday 15 September 15
Our Lady of Sorrows
Tuesday 16 September 16
SS Cornelius Pp & Cyprian B MM
Wednesday 17 September 17
Ember Day
Thursday 18 September 18
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 19 September 19
Ember Day
Saturday 20 September 20
SS Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn Pr, Paul Chŏng Ha-sang & Comp MM
Sunday 21 September 21
Trinity XIV
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 22 September 22
Tuesday 23 September 23
S Pius of Pietrelcina Pr
Wednesday 24 September 24
Our Lady of Walsingham
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Solemn Mass
Thursday 25 September 25
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 26 September 26
SS Cosmas & Damian MM
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 27 September 27
S Vincent de Paul Pr
Sunday 28 September 28
Trinity XV
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 29 September 29
SS Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels
Tuesday 30 September 30
S Jerome PrD
October 2025
Wednesday 1 October 1
S Terèse of the Child Jesus DV
Thursday 2 October 2
Holy Guardian Angels
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 3 October 3
S Thomas of Hereford B
Saturday 4 October 4
S Francis of Assisi
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 5 October 5
Trinity XVI
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 6 October 6
S Bruno Pr
Tuesday 7 October 7
Our Lady of the Rosary
Wednesday 8 October 8
S Denis B & Comp MM; S John Leonardi Pr
Thursday 9 October 9
S John Henry Newman Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 10 October 10
S Paulinus of York B
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 11 October 11
S John XXIII Pp; S Ethelburga Abss
Sunday 12 October 12
Trinity XVII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 13 October 13
S Edward the Confessor
Tuesday 14 October 14
S Callistus I PpM
Wednesday 15 October 15
S Teresa of Jesus DV
Thursday 16 October 16
S Hedwig Rel; S Margaret Mary Alacoque V
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 17 October 17
S Ignatius of Antioch BM
Saturday 18 October 18
S Luke ApEv
Sunday 19 October 19
Trinity XVIII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 20 October 20
Tuesday 21 October 21
Wednesday 22 October 22
S John Paul II Pp
Thursday 23 October 23
S John of Capistrano Pr
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 24 October 24
S Anthony Mary Claret B
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 25 October 25
Sunday 26 October 26
Trinity XIX
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Bacon butties are available after this Mass with refreshments in the hall.
Monday 27 October 27
Tuesday 28 October 28
SS Simon & Jude App
SS Simon & Jude App
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
Wednesday 29 October 29
Thursday 30 October 30
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 31 October 31
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
All Saints’ children’s party
All Saints’ children’s party
5:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
November 2025
Saturday 1 November 1
All Saints ✠
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 2 November 2
All Souls
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 3 November 3
S Martin de Porres Rel; S Winefride V
Tuesday 4 November 4
S Charles Borromeo B
Wednesday 5 November 5
Thursday 6 November 6
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 7 November 7
S Willibrord B
Saturday 8 November 8
All Saints of England
Sunday 9 November 9
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Remembrance Sunday
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 10 November 10
S Leo the Great PpD
Tuesday 11 November 11
S Martin of Tours B
Wednesday 12 November 12
S Josaphat BM
Thursday 13 November 13
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 14 November 14
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 15 November 15
S Albert the Great BD
Sunday 16 November 16
Trinity XXII
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 17 November 17
S Elizabeth of Hungary Rel; S Hilda Abss; S Hugh of Lincoln B
Tuesday 18 November 18
Dedication of the Basilicas of SS Peter & Paul App
Wednesday 19 November 19
Thursday 20 November 20
S Edmund M
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 21 November 21
Presentation of Our Lady
Saturday 22 November 22
S Cecilia VM
Sunday 23 November 23
Christ the King
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 24 November 24
S Andrew Dũng-Lạc Pr & Comp MM
Tuesday 25 November 25
S Catherine of Alexandria VM
Wednesday 26 November 26
Thursday 27 November 27
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 28 November 28
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 29 November 29
Sunday 30 November 30
Advent Sunday
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
December 2025
Monday 1 December 1
S Edmund Campion PrM
Tuesday 2 December 2
Wednesday 3 December 3
S Francis Xavier Pr
Thursday 4 December 4
S John Damascene PrD
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 5 December 5
Ember Day
Saturday 6 December 6
Ember Day
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Family Adoration with Benediction
Family Adoration with Benediction
11:00 am
Come with the children and gather graces from the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
This liturgy is organised by the Parish of Christ the King.
Sunday 7 December 7
II Advent
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
This Mass is followed by a Christmas-themed community lunch. Bring food to share!
Monday 8 December 8
Immaculate Conception of Our Lady
Tuesday 9 December 9
S Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
Wednesday 10 December 10
Our Lady of Loreto
Thursday 11 December 11
S Damasus I Pp
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 12 December 12
Our Lady of Guadalupe
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 13 December 13
S Lucy VM
Sunday 14 December 14
III Advent
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 15 December 15
Tuesday 16 December 16
Wednesday 17 December 17
O Sapientia
Thursday 18 December 18
O Adonai
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 19 December 19
O Radix Jesse
Saturday 20 December 20
O Clavis David
Sunday 21 December 21
IV Advent
O Oriens
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 22 December 22
O Rex Gentium
Tuesday 23 December 23
O Emmanuel
S John of Kęty
Wednesday 24 December 24
O Virgo Virginum
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy
4:30 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
The Children’s Liturgy on Christmas Eve is not a Mass. Children are invited to come dressed as a character from the Nativity to hear the Christmas story and help to form a tableau illustrating Jesus’ birth.
11:30 pm
Midnight Mass of the Nativity
Midnight Mass of the Nativity
11:30 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
Thursday 25 December 25
Nativity of the Lord ✠
Nativity of the Lord ✠
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
Midnight Mass of the Nativity ⤺
Ends 12:30 am
Midnight Mass of the Nativity
Christ the King Church, Langney
10:30 am – 11:30 am
10:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Friday 26 December 26
St Stephen, Martyr
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 27 December 27
St John, Apostle, Evangelist
Sunday 28 December 28
The Holy Family
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am
Christ the King Church, Langney
Monday 29 December 29
S Thomas Becket BM
Tuesday 30 December 30
Wednesday 31 December 31
S Sylvester I Pp
January 2026
Thursday 1 January 1
Mary the Mother of God
Friday 2 January 2
SS Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen BBDD
Saturday 3 January 3
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Sunday 4 January 4
Second Sunday after Christmas
Monday 5 January 5
Tuesday 6 January 6
Epiphany ✠
Epiphany ✠
The Athanasian Creed is said at Morning Prayer today.
Wednesday 7 January 7
S Raymond of Penyafort Pr
Thursday 8 January 8
Friday 9 January 9
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 10 January 10
Sunday 11 January 11
Baptism of Christ
Monday 12 January 12
S Aelred of Rievaulx Ab; S Benedict Biscop Ab
Tuesday 13 January 13
S Kentigern B; S Hilary BD
Wednesday 14 January 14
Thursday 15 January 15
Friday 16 January 16
Saturday 17 January 17
S Anthony Ab
Sunday 18 January 18
Epiphany II
Epiphany II
Start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Monday 19 January 19
S Wulstan B
Tuesday 20 January 20
S Fabian PpM; S Sebastian M
Wednesday 21 January 21
S Agnes VM
Thursday 22 January 22
S Vincent DnM
Friday 23 January 23
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 24 January 24
S Francis de Sales BD
Sunday 25 January 25
Epiphany III
Epiphany III
End of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Monday 26 January 26
SS Timothy & Titus BB
Tuesday 27 January 27
S Angela Merici V
Wednesday 28 January 28
S Thomas Aquinas PrD
Thursday 29 January 29
Friday 30 January 30
Saturday 31 January 31
S John Bosco Pr
February 2026
Sunday 1 February 1
Monday 2 February 2
Presentation of the Lord
Tuesday 3 February 3
S Ansgar B; S Blaise BM
Wednesday 4 February 4
S Gilbert of Sempringham Ab
Thursday 5 February 5
S Agatha VM
Friday 6 February 6
SS Paul Miki & Comp MM
Saturday 7 February 7
Sunday 8 February 8
Monday 9 February 9
Tuesday 10 February 10
S Scholastica V
Wednesday 11 February 11
Our Lady of Lourdes
Thursday 12 February 12
Friday 13 February 13
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Men of St Joseph
Men of St Joseph
7:00 pm
Christ the King Church, Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray.
On the second Friday of the month, the Men of St Joseph undertake a Rosary Walk around the parish to pray for the Church, the town and the world.
This starts and finishes in the Parish Room: enter via the side door.
Saturday 14 February 14
SS Cyril Rel & Methodius B
Sunday 15 February 15
Monday 16 February 16
Tuesday 17 February 17
Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Wednesday 18 February 18
Ash Wednesday
Thursday 19 February 19
Friday 20 February 20
Saturday 21 February 21
S Peter Damian BD
Sunday 22 February 22
I Lent
Monday 23 February 23
S Polycarp BM
Tuesday 24 February 24
Wednesday 25 February 25
Thursday 26 February 26
Friday 27 February 27
S Gregory of Narek PrD
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Men of Saint Joseph
Men of Saint Joseph
7:00 pm
Parish Room, Christ the King Church Langney
An informal group for men to meet, discuss and pray. On the fourth Friday of the month the meeting includes Evening Prayer.
Saturday 28 February 28
Celebrations are shown as Sundays/Solemnities,Feasts, Memoriae and optional memoriae. Every Sunday is a Holy Day of Obligation, and weekday/moveable feasts marked with ✠.
Solemnities in the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
The Eastbourne Ordinariate Mission will usually celebrate a sung Mass on most solemnities and some feasts in the Ordinariate calendar:
1 January
Mary the Mother of God
6 January
The Epiphany of the Lord ✠
7 January†
5 January†
2 February
Presentation of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
2 March
22 February
14 February
5 March
18 February
10 February
19 March
S Joseph, Husband of Our Lady
20 March*
25 March
Annunciation of the Lord
8 April*
5 April*
Maundy Thursday
14 April
6 April
28 March
17 April
2 April
25 March
Good Friday
15 April
7 April
29 March
18 April
3 April
26 March
Easter Day ✠
17 April
9 April
31 March
20 April
5 April
28 March
23 April
S George, Martyr, Patron of England
26 April*
24 April*
28 April*
Ascension of the Lord ✠
26 May
18 May
9 May
29 May
14 May
6 May
Corpus Christi
19 June
11 June
2 June
22 June
7 June
30 May
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
24 June
16 June
7 June
27 June
12 June
4 June
24 June
Nativity of S John the Baptist
23 June*
29 June
SS Peter & Paul, Apostles ✠
30 June†
28 June†
15 August
Assumption of Our Lady ✠
14 August†
16 August†
24 September
Our Lady of Walsingham
25 September†
9 October
S John Henry Newman, Priest
1 November
All Saints ✠
31 October†
2 November
All Souls
8 December
Immaculate Conception of Our Lady
9 December*
25 December
Nativity of the Lord ✠
* Transferred because the proper day is impeded by a higher celebration
† Transferred to an adjacent Sunday
‡ The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed is not transferred from Sunday in the Ordinariate calendar
The four classes of celebration are also available. With each in a separate calendar, you can choose which to use and style each one differently when displaying them. Note that celebrations which are inhibited by one of greater rank are omitted.
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Two separate Camino pilgrimages squeezed into just over 2 weeks, catering to both the laity and the religious enabled a total of 45 pilgrims to cover 200 miles and reach Santiago de Compostela. The undertaking caused quite a spectacle.
Join in the Church’s Pentecost Novena on our website.
Jesus charged the disciples ‘to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me, for John baptised with water, but before many days you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit.”’
Join in the Church’s Pentecost Novena on our website.
Jesus charged the disciples ‘to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me, for John baptised with water, but before many days you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit.”’
From today til 1 June, 30 members of the Ordinariate - including the Ordinary - will be walking the Camino from near the border of Portugal to Santiago de Compostela. Another 12 clergy, seminarians, and enquirers, will be walking the Camino from 2-9 June. Please pray for them!
Join in the Church’s Pentecost Novena on our website.
Jesus charged the disciples ‘to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me, for John baptised with water, but before many days you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit.”’
Tomorrow is the First Sunday in Lent. Join us for Mass celebrated according to Divine Worship at 11:30am at Christ the King Church, Langney. We'd love to see you! In the pew sheet you can find details of the forthcoming Admission to Candidacy for Ordination of Neil Taylor, by Bishop David, in two weeks’ time — it's available at the link in the image below.
And the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you”, and “On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.”’ And Jesus answered him, ‘It is said, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”’ ... See MoreSee Less
Mass for the Beginning of Lent with the Imposition of Ashes is celebrated according to Divine Worship at 7:00 this evening at Christ the King Church Langney.
Mass is also celebrated at noon, and at 10am at St Joachim's Hampden Park.
"Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?"
As we arrive at Quinquagesima Sunday, the final step before entering Lent, the Church presents us with a Gospel that urges self-examination. Jesus warns against hypocrisy, calling out the tendency to notice the speck in our brother’s eye while ignoring the beam in our own. He reminds us that a good tree bears good fruit, and a person’s heart is revealed by their words and actions. The message is clear: before we seek to correct others, we must first allow God to purify our own hearts. True discipleship begins with humility, recognising our need for God’s grace before we presume to lead or correct others.
Quinquagesima calls us to reflect: Are we truly seeing with the eyes of Christ, or are we blinded by pride, judgment, or self-righteousness? As Lent approaches, this Gospel invites us to take stock of our spiritual lives, asking God to remove the beams from our own eyes so that we may see clearly. The call to bear good fruit is not about outward appearances but about deep interior conversion. May we enter this coming season with hearts open to transformation, seeking not to condemn but to be healed, so that we may lead others to Christ with true clarity and love.
Artwork is The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blind, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1525–1569, completed in 1568. ... See MoreSee Less